Movie Review: Bride Wars

A bunch of girlfriends and I went to see Bride Wars last night. It was good, but I'm also pretty easily entertained. For those of you hoping to see lots of wedding details, gorgeous dresses, beautiful flowers, over-the-top decorations, etc. - this is not the movie for you. The focus was primarily on the relationship between Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway, lifelong friends who end up planning their dream weddings at the Plaza on the same date. It really shows the ups and downs of friendship, but the beauty of having a best girlfriend who's there for you when you need her most. There are some pretty hilarious scenes, as well as some pretty cheesy parts. I don't know if I'd pay $10 to see it in the theater, but it's definitely a renter.


Coldplay and Puppets

Just saw this Coldplay video. Awesome!!! Artistic, well done, and so different from your typical music video. And it features puppets! How can you not love puppets?! Well, other than the creepy ones...


Taglio Salon Website Launch

Last night I received final approval to launch the new Taglio Salon website. This project has been many months in the making, but owners of the salon were an absolute pleasure to work with, and I'm thrilled with the final outcome. Please take a look at the site and enjoy :)


Unemployed... Sort of...

On Friday my previous employer, Moses Anshell, did their second round of layoffs, and I unfortunately was one of the people cut. To answer some of the questions I've been asked:

  1. Yes, this did come as a surprise. Although, given the current state of the economy, I don't think anyone feels incredibly secure in their job.

  2. Yes, I was given a severance package. One month pay and health insurance through the end of February.

  3. What's next? I'm currently seeking freelance work. If you or anyone you know has a need for graphic or web design, I can be contacted at or 602.821.3222.

  4. Long-term, I'm strongly considering moving back to Sioux Falls. I would love to be closer to my family, and the economy back home is in much better shape than down here in Phoenix. (And yes, Phil would come with me :)

All in all, I feel incredibly fortunate to not have a family or children that I'm financially responsible for, nor a house or mortgage to worry about. And I'm lucky to have a career that I can immediately begin making money at without having to find another job. I really feel this is a blessing in disguise and know that God has great things in store for me, whether that be moving back to South Dakota to be near my family or working as my own boss. I'm off on the next big adventure!


Phoenix in January

70 degrees and sunny


About This Blog

Two newlywed's adventures in home renovations, traveling and experiencing life together.

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