What’s Brewing?
In attempts to contribute to my wonderful wife Laura’s blog, I wanted to find something to write about that nearly every guy would be interested in reading. And so, you can understand why I chose beer.
But not just writing about beer, but rather the process of home brewing beer. The concept came about during a dinner party we were attending. Midway through the party, with the wine wearing thin, our host Evan invited a few of the guys to try his home brewed creamy dark Stout beer. As has passed around the brown bottles, we all commented on how cool the custom bottle labels and caps looked.
We were almost hooked…..
“How does it taste?” I asked. That question was quickly answered as Evan popped the top of a 22 oz bottle. The smooth pour of the beer was an invitation in and of itself. Lifting the glass for a drink, I inhaled the smell of the natural, homemade beer. I made a mental note of how distinguished the aroma was, which surprised me. The taste did not disappoint.
Evan smiled and offered to show us his inexpensive home brewing starter kit which has was sharing with his friend. He shared with us that the average cost of each beer was less than a dollar. Ok, so maybe now we were hooked.
My tasting wingman, Alan, was more excited than when he talks about sports, so I knew he was digging this relatively unknown concept of home brewing. He had a large grin on his face, and kept saying “This is REALLY good!!!!”. When he ended then night suggesting that we try our own hand at making beer, I thought to myself that it would be a fun thing to do. Alan suggested that a mutual friend, Greg, would also be interested, and that we might be able to share the costs between the three of us.
And here I write today! I will be looking to make additional posts as we step into this new hobby. I hope you will read!